The Moxy Webinar Series

Moxy Device

HIIT Protocol Pilot Data

Dr. Bellar is the Director and holds the Patrick Rutherford / BoRSF Endowed Professorship in Education in the School of Kinesiology at the University of Louisiana. Dr. Bellar will be sharing the data that they’ve recently collected on “Non-involved muscles” during exercise as well as some pilot data on a HITT protocol and changes in Lactate and blood pH.

Pattern of MOXY Monitor Results versus Metabolic Output During High Intensity Cycling

The Moxy monitor has recently been purchased by military units to incorporate as a physical training tool. Since the Moxy monitor offers a unique portable technology unlike its larger predecessors, we aimed to determine if these innovative monitors measure muscle oxygen saturation levels that follow the same pattern as other physiological measures such as oxygen output, heart rate, and lactic acid. We recruited six endurance trained participants to complete a VO2 max test on the cycle ergometer followed by 6 high intensity intervals at 125% of their VO2 test maximum wattage. Moxy monitors were worn on each quad with a third on the deltoid for a control. We measured lactic acid following each of the intervals. SmO2 was plotted versus VO2 and heart rate to show that muscle oxygen saturation measured by the Moxy monitor was at its lowest point when VO2 and heart rate were at their highest points. Likewise, we plotted SmO2 versus lactic acid for each interval. Overall, our results showed that the Moxy monitor responded to changes in oxygen levels that corresponded to other physiological measures, indicating its promise as an exercise training tool.

Primary Physiologic Concerns in Proper Bike Fitting

This webinar will be presented by Chris Balser from BicycleFitGuru. The presentation will go beyond range of motion issues and talk about how to address issues like respiration and blood flow. It will also cover Chris’s ideas for using muscle oxygenation in bike fitting.

Chris is a world class bike fitter who has been fitting people professionally for more than 20 years. His qualifications include doctoral studies in anatomy, physiology, biomechanics and kinematics; yoga philosophy, teacher training, and yoga therapy; Trek Master’s Level Precision Fit, Wobble-Naught (WN) Certification, Specialized (SBCU) BG bicycle fit with Dr. Andy Pruitt, Serotta International Cycling Institute (SICI), Fit-Kit, BIKEFIT, Bike CAD, and Body Mind Centering.

4 Little Known Ways to Use Social Media to Promote Yourself

This webinar is intended for athletes, trainers, and researchers that may be interested in improving their use of social media. Athletes may want to promote themselves as a way of turning professional. Trainers may want to promote an event. Researchers may want to promote their work. All of these people may want to grow their network of others with similar interests in training and exercise physiology. Four techniques will be presented that you can use with little or no budget and a just small amount of time to accomplish these types of goals by using social media effectively.

The presenter is HotLou – aka Lou Abramowski . Lou spent a decade joking he could build a 100k follower list on watching paint dry. Today, much to his surprise and delight, that’s no joke. Dozens of brands, big and small, have benefited from his professional guidance on growth and entrepreneurship, including:

8thBridge – cofounded in 2008, acquired in 2014
Jack Link’s Beef Jerky – from 0 to 1M LIkes on Facebook
OurFamilyWizard – from startup to #1 family management tool in the world
Otterology – advisement to acquisition in 2 years

Metier Racing and Coffee

This webinar is a tour of the new Metier Racing and Coffee facility in Seattle.  David Richer shows the space and explains the training services that he and Todd Herriott have developed.  The second half focuses more on the training services and the ways that they have integrated Moxy.

An Introduction to Blood Flow Restricted Exercise and Possible Training Applications

Trent Cayot from Ohio Dominican University will present on Blood Flow Restricted Exercise. The presentation will cover the following topics.

  • What is blood flow restricted (BFR) exercise?
  • Safety considerations when using blood flow restricted (BFR) exercise.
  • Typical blood flow restricted (BFR) exercise protocols used in the literature.
  • A strength and conditioning coach’s perspective on the potential implementation of blood flow restricted (BFR) exercise into a training program.

Using Garmin ConnectIQ and Moxy

This webinar is presented by Josh Gunkel, ConnectIQ Program Manager at Garmin.  He goes over the ConnectIQ system.  An overview is given of some the Moxy apps that run on ConnectIQ.

A Summer of Hockey

This webinar is presented by Andri Feldmann from Swinco Performance labs.  He talks about how they introduce Moxy into a professional Swiss Hockey team’s training program.  There’s a great look at identifying the physiologic limiter in acyclic sport athletes and how different limiters present themselves in the Moxy data.